Month: August 2015

Chapter 3


Warning! This chapter includes adult themes that might not be suitable for all readers. Just giving y’all a heads up 🙂

 ~Nora’s P.O.V.~

 I lay in my sleeping bag, with my eyes closed but sleep refused to come. I couldn’t help but over hear the conversation at the fire pit.

Chloe(lady with the braids): So….. what’s your take on the newcomer?

Tiffany(red-haired teen): I dunno…she seems pretty weak….will she be able to pull her weight?

Chloe: She’ll grow stronger. She just had a severe flu. I also suspect that she might be pregnant, but I haven’t had the chance to talk to her much further.

Tiffany: Pregnant? That’s just what we need… I think we send her on her way with soe herbs and provisions and wish her the best.

Chloe: That’s rather callous isn’t it? We took you in when your boat washed ashore. You were but a child if I might add.

Tiffany: Yeah, I guess you’re right. I guess it’s the same thing.

They began to discuss trivial matters and I stopped listening to gather my own thoughts. Pregnant? How could I be pregnant? Wouldn’t I have known by now?

Screenshot-35 Chloe’s son, Jake began to babble and giggle. I smiled at his cute little dimples. Would it really be so bad if I were pregnant? I shook my head and scoffed, Hello? Did we forget we stuck an some island in the middle of nowhere? I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I noticed Tiffany had gone to b ed, so I decided this was my best chance to get to talk to Chloe alone. Screenshot-40 I touched Jake on the head as I sat down by the fire, it’s warmth a gentle touch that touched your bones. I smiled apologetically, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but did I hear you say that I might be pregnant?” She stares at me, as if sizing me up, before answering, “It’s all right. I did it to Sam and Ross when we first crashed. It’s hard to sleep at first. Anyway, I have a hunch that you might be pregnant, only because you seem to be feeling better except for the constant nausea and vomiting. Is your period late?”  I nodded, it suddenly hitting me, “Um, yes, but I thought it was because of the trauma I had been through.” Chloe nodded thoughtfully, “Not to pry, but were you sexually active?” My cheeks flooded with heat, “Yes. I was on the pill and my fiance always used a condom.”  Again, she nodded her head, “Ok. Well how long have you been on your birth control and have you switched recently?”  I thought long and hard, “Yes. I was on the pill starting about a year ago, but come to think of it, I did switch about three months from whenever I landed here.” She shrugged her shoulders and said, “Well, it’s hard to say for sure, but I really think you might be pregnant.” I felt a wave of joy surge through me which was quickly washed away by a wave of panic, “I’m scared.” I whispered. Chloe came and sat next to me. She put her arms around me reassuringly, “I’ve been on this island for two years. I had Jake here. I had to deliver him myself. If we’re not off this island by the time you have his baby, you’ll be in good hands here. I promise.”  I smiled and found myself suddenly exhausted. I excused myself and I went back to bed, dreaming of children and babies all night long. Screenshot-43I awoke early in the morning, before the sun had fully come up yet, to find Ross fishing from the river that ran next to our camp. I sat on the stump near him and cleared my throat so as not to startle him, “Good morning.” He nodded as he concentrated on his latest catch, “Feeling any better?” I shook my head, “Eh. I’m still nauseous sixty percent of the time, but I’m not so weak anymore.” He shrugged his shoulders, “That’s too bad. Whoa!” His line nearly jerked out of his hands as he fought to real in a big catfish. I cheered and pumped my arms in the air at the satisfied look on his face. He managed to catch three more fish as the day wore on.  Screenshot-48  I noticed he looked rather weary so I offered to take over so that he could bring his catch to Chloe, to prepare for dinner. I stood on the shore, pole in my hand, with my thoughts to myself. I was still feeling conflicted by the thought of potentially being pregnant. How am I going to raise a child? Let alone on an island? But maybe this is the universe’s way of giving me one last piece of Scott to hold in my heart. I blew a frustrated breath out of my mouth. Worrying was going to get me nowhere. Screenshot-53  As the days went by, I watched Chloe with Jake and how happy he made her. I felt the edges of my grief turn into slivers of hope. Screenshot-55  Even though we were all on this island, Jake seemed happy, never knowing anything different. Sam had made him a few wooden toys and kept them in a crate. Jake could often be found inside the crate playing with them. Sure, it wasn’t easy, but somehow, Chloe made it look like it was all worth it. Screenshot-56  Pretty soon, the evidence was clear. My slowly expanding stomach grew ever so slightly, but big enough to make my grass skirt uncomfortable. Chloe dug around the odd s and ends they kept here, and managed to find the maternity pants she wore when she was pregnant with Jake. I accepted them gratefully. Screenshot-57  That night, I was roasting my dinner when Tiffany came in from the gardens and began to eat as well. She took one look at my pants, “So it’s true? You’re pregnant?” I nodded , my mouth full of food. She looked funny for a minute before saying, “So….congratulations?” I smiled, “Thanks. I know  it’s kind of a weird situation, but I am overall happy. Scared out of my mind, but happy.” She nodded, “Good. I have to admit, I didn’t want you here at first. I wasn’t sure if you could pull your weight, but I’m glad I never said anything. ”  I nodded, “I understand. I have to admit that I overheard your conversation with Chloe when I first came here,” “What! You never said anything? Why?” I shrugged my shoulders, “I knew you were unsure of me and I figured that you just needed to get to know me is all.”  She laughed, “Fair enough.”  I grew serious now, “If you don’t mind me asking, how did you come to this island?” She took a deep breath and said, “Everyone here was on a plane together when it crashed. Except for me. My dad and I were fishing and checking his crab cages he had out in the ocean. It was how we made our living. I was 12. We were in the middle of hauling in a cage filled with crabs, when a shot rang out into the night. We never saw it coming. A nearby ship had sent a cannon ball hurtling towards us. My dad shoved me onto the deck and out of the way. The cannonball hit the hull and we immediately began taking on water. My dad and I tried furiously to bail us out, but we were sinking swiftly. We had had an inflatable raft, but it too had gotten a hole in it. My father managed to patch it up but it couldn’t hold both of us without reopening. So he put me on the raft and sent me adrift. I never saw him again. I was adrift in the ocean for a few hours but I woke up and the raft had been pushed to shore. I huddled in the raft, until a few hours later, Ross  had come down to go fishing and he found me…… ”

We both had tears in our eyes when she was finished. She stood up swiftly and walked away, “I tried to go after her but Chloe intercepted me, “It’s okay. She is kind of a loner. She’s going to her thinking tree. She does this when she’s sad. ” I nodded but said, “I just feel bad because I’m the one who asked her about it.” Chloe shook her head, “She needed to talk. That was the first time any of us have heard her talk about that day in a long time. Just give her a little while. She’ll be fine.
Screenshot-58  So I eventually went to bed. Chloe and I shared one of the shelters, while Ross and Tiffany each had their own. Screenshot-59  Jake snuggled into HIs mother’s arms and gave a big yawn, which brought smiles to his mother and I’s faces, “I guess that’s our cue.” she said dryly. Screenshot-60 It was Sam’s night to stay up and keep the fire going and watch the camp. I usually slept best when Chloe or Ross watched the camp, but it is what it is.Screenshot-61 Don’t get me wrong, I like Sam. He’s a nice guy, but he is so focused on fixing the small radio he found a few years ago, that he can be very oblivious.

Chapter 2


Screenshot-10I shivered furiously as the fever raged through my body. I had been drifting in and out of sleep for some time now. It could be hours, even days, at some point I began having vivid flashbacks and nightmares.    Screenshot-21  I awoke to the feeling of something warm and wet upon my cheeks. I opened my eyes slowly, only to notice my fiance, Scott, clinging to me, sobbing harshly, “Baby, no. I can’t die here alone. No. no….” I coughed and sputtered as the seawater burned my throat, “Scott, honey……I’m okay… What happened?” He rolled over and gave me a big wet kiss, “Nora, it was awful. You and I were cuddling in the hammock and Allie was taking our picture, when this huge gust of wind came from nowhere. The sails were blown so fiercely that the boat nearly overturned….nearly. We all breathed a sigh of relief as it passed. You parents went back below deck and Allie went to go grab another drink. I looked to the left and noticed a huge wave at least 30 feet tall. It was heading straight towards us. I jumped up and shoved you below deck, and ran to the captain’s cabin, alerting him of the news. I managed to get Allie and I below deck with you and your parents. We all huddled in anticipation of what was to come. As the wave crashed over us, we began to roll and flip. We had capsized and were flown about the room. You hit your head on the corner of the bookshelf and were knocked clean out. The boat began taking on water, and so managed to get through the hull. I helped everyone out, but another wave crashed over us. I struggled to keep us both afloat.” He shrugged his shoulders, “And here we are….” Screenshot-9  I gasped and sat up, my head reeling and my heart pounding. I wiped my forehead and sat up. I tried to clear the fuzziness from my head and keep down the contents of my stomach. Screenshot-17  It was to no avail. I moved away from the bed and threw up what little I had in my stomach. After I had choked it all out, I shivered and crawled back into bed. I closed my eyes and hoped the flashbacks wouldn’t visit me again….Screenshot-25 I sat in shock on the beach. My family lying on the sand before me. Screenshot-27  I kneeled next my father, tears rolling down my cheeks. I whispered, “I’m sorry, Dad. We shouldn’t have come on this stupid trip.” I kissed his cheek and moved on to my mom. “Mommy, come back to me. I need you.” I held her hand and cried against her chest until I felt completely numb. I crawled over to Allie, “I love you, Allie. You’re the sister I never had. I regret not teaching you to swim when we had the chance. I’m so sorry.” 

Screenshot-14  I awoke with a start again, this time not so nauseous but my stomach empty and roaring to be filled. I was so weak that I had to crawl over to the fire pit. I grabbed a potato from the pile of food I had harvested. I managed to get a small fire going to roast my food. I ate slow, and began to space out, flashback after flashback running through my mind. Screenshot-26  The people I cared about most, their cold bodies just lying there. Screenshot-24  Their eyes wide open, their skin pale as marble. I leaned over Allie and gave her a final kiss on the forehead. A cry of pain arose from Scott a little ways down the beach. I ran towards him  and watched as he ripped off his shirt, while groaning in agony. “Scott! What’s wrong?!” He gasped for air while trying to explain,”

Screenshot-28  “The storm………it knocked me around a lot. I tried to hold on…….but one of the…….um, wine bottles we brought…..shattered against the wall and the glass flew towards me….I didn’t look..until now….. the shards of glass are moving around, causing more blood to gush.”Screenshot-29I cried softly, “How did you manage to get everyone to shore?” He nodded weakly, “It wasn’t easy, and very painful……..but worth it.” He smiled softly and cried out, clutching his chest, his breathing labored. I put my hand under his head and cradled it in my lap. He gasped and sputtered. He passed away a short while later. 

I finished eating my food, and stood up to go lay down. The minute I moved, everything I just put in my stomach, I immediately threw up. I shivered and resigned myself to the fate in front of me. I knew I wasn’t going to make it off this island.
Screenshot-20I dragged myself over to Scott’s grave and lay back against the earth. If I thought hard enough, I could imagine him lying there next to me. I closed my eyes and drifted off…………………..

Screenshot-33The smell of something cooking played upon my nostrils. The scent dragging my eyes open. I awoke to an unfamiliar shelter above me and in an unfamiliar bed. I sat up straight, trying to figure out where I was.
Screenshot-41 A deep male voice made me jump out of my skin, “Do you speak English?” I nodded my head, eyes wide with fear. He gave me a warm smile, “It’s okay, don’t be frightened. I’m someone you can trust. My name is Ross.” I tried to introduce myself, but my voice was really hoarse from not using it in awhile,” I’m Nora.” It came out as a whisper but he seemed to hear it.  Screenshot-34 He motioned for me to come sit with him, “The pig is almost done roasting, and then we can give you a proper meal.” I nodded and choked out, “Thank you.” He nodded, “You’re lucky that Sam went out to check the traps and set more, or he would have never found you. You had a pretty high fever, but Quinn, you’ll meet her later, she happens to be a pediatric doctor before we crashed, so she managed to break your fever with some of the herbs we have growing here.”

Ross and I sat and talked for a long time, eating the pork and various vegetables they had grown here. It grew dark and Ross stood, saying he had to go do the evening rounds, checking for danger.Screenshot-39 I wandered around for a while, taking in all the new sights. Another man approached me and we shook hands, ” Hi, I’m Sam.” he introduced himself. “I hope you like it here. With you here, there are now six of us. You’ve met me and Ross. But there’s also Chloe and her son Jake. And Tiffany. The girls are out in the garden, but I’m sure you’ll meet them tomorrow.” He showed me where the “bathroom” was and then I crawled back into bed, hopeful for the future for the first time in a long time

Chapter 1

CoverPhotoHello! Welcome to the first installment of the Jameson legacy! This chapter will be slightly on the small side, compared to what I have in store for this legacy. It might also be a little dry, since everything is being introduced. So hold on tight and enjoy the first chapter:

Nora’s P.O.V


The sun rose high over the ocean, sparkling across the debris that’s washed ashore. It beat down upon  me, its warm touch pulling me from my makeshift bed. I stretched and tried to ignore the ever-constant roar in my stomach. I grabbed my pole and headed down to the beach, hoping to catch me some breakfast.

Screenshot-429I stare out across the ocean, trying not to drown in my own thoughts. 3 weeks, 3 months, 3 years…. It was hard to tell how much time had gone by. I had just begun to gain my strength back. The first few days after I woke up on the beach, I struggled to stay conscious. No food, barely any water,  and I had a head wound that bled off and on. It was a wonder I was still alive.
Screenshot-431  Once I was able to wander around more, I found a little grove of fruit trees and roots and different edible plants.  These plants helped me gain my strength back, little by little. I had also found a small pond, which held fresh drinking water. Screenshot-432  So after gathering a days worth of fruit, I began to make a shelter for my self near the pond. So for now, this is home.Screenshot-430 Every morning, I would walk the beach, hoping for some sign of life from anything out there, but nothing and no one else had survived. Days after I had started building my shelter, debris began washing ashore.   I gathered  up what I could, making several trip to and from the beach. I fashioned a canvas as a mosquito shield around my “bed”. Which was basically a bunch of seat cushions and fluffy things piled onto crates. The biggest thing I had ever hauled was a bathtub. It was a mystery to me as to how it washed ashore, but intended to take full advantage of it.  Screenshot-433  Hours later, I used all of the fancy soaps I had gathered and settled down into the tub. Screenshot-434  I tried to scrub the filth away, but here, it seemed to just stick to you. I gave up and just let myself soak. I got out and dressed when I was good and wrinkly. I shivered against the wind and tried not to think of the warm, fluffy towels that stocked my bathroom cupboard at home.  I made my way to the fire pit I had built and got the embers going. Screenshot-437 Pretty soon I had a roaring fire going. I settled into my seat and worked on cleaning and gutting a fish. So thankful for the times my dad had taken me fishing and taught me how to do all of this. I grabbed my roasting stick and placed the fish on it, over the fire. Wafts of freshly cooked fish filled the campsite as the fish roasted above the fire. When it was done, I ate my fill and threw the rest into my traps. So far, nothing had been caught but a few raccoons but they were so skinny, I didn’t have the heart to kill them. So the days began to fly by. I noticed my skin browning from lack of sun protection. More freckles graced my face. My hands grew chapped and I alway fell into bed, exhausted and ready for sleep. Day after day….

Screenshot-2 Screenshot-3 Screenshot-4 Screenshot-6 Screenshot-5 Eat, sleep, fish, forage…….. Screenshot

Every night, before I go to sleep, I say goodnight to those I buried when we wrecked. There were six other people who washed to shore. As weak as I was, I was able to dig shallow graves for them. 2 of them were strangers, my best friend, Allie, my fiance, Scott, and my parents. The grief gnawed at me almost as fierce as the hunger. The loneliness was pretty rough too. I can’t remember the last time I had used my voice out loud.Screenshot-449The days flew by and began to run into each other, until one afternoon, I woke up from a nap and a splitting headache kept me from sitting up too fast. I put my hand to my forehead and grimaced at how hot it felt. I laid back down, hoping to sleep it off…..